Musima Eterna in Guitarz 2012 calendar

Musima Eterna in Guitarz 2012 calendar

I told you already about the release of Guitarz 2012 calendar (that you can acquire here) featuring both my Doppelcaster (on the front page) and my good old Musima Eterna, about which I published a detailed post here. 

- Refinished Musima Eterna This is not the first time we see a Musima Eterna on Guitarz since I even presented my own here a few years ago, but this version roughly refinished in blue (usually Musima models are black and Migmas are perloid red) with...

- Guitarz Calendar For 2013... Contributions Wanted This time last year we were busily putting together the Guitarz 2012 calendar (as pictured here). Because of a distinct lack of finances, until very recently I had thought that we wouldn't be able to produce another for 2013,...

- Musima Lead Star Superstrat Usually when one thinks of GDR electric guitars, what comes to mind are superb and very German hollow-body jazz guitars, or these later through-the-looking-glass designs, both familiar and  askew, sometimes radically and wildly...

- Guitarz 2012 Calendars Are Now Available...
I've tried to price it as low as I am able, and that means it's essentially £8 per calendar PLUS post and packing. So that makes it £11 for the UK, £12.50 for Europe (that's around €14), and £15.59 for the USA and the Rest of the World...

- Guitar Haiku
As they showed the Doppelcaster on the Guitarz blog, I figured out that I'm sometimes too discreet with my work, and also guitars are to be played above all. So let me show you what I do with a Fender Jaguar Special HH - still my favorite guitar...

