Musima Lead Star superstrat

Musima Lead Star superstrat

Usually when one thinks of GDR electric guitars, what comes to mind are superb and very German hollow-body jazz guitars, or these later through-the-looking-glass designs, both familiar and  askew, sometimes radically and wildly beautiful (have you seen the sublime Marma in the Guitarz 2012 calendar? what, you don't have it yet?), sometimes rough and uninspired, but all well rooted in the Continental European guitar flourishing of the 1960s that happened mostly in Italy and Germany...

Well that's what I thought so far - until I discovered this Lead Star guitar by Musima, the perfect 1980s Japanese-style superstrat with the long pointy horns, the bridge humbucker and the fancy finish - though it doesn't have a Floyd Rose trem but a classic strat one, probably a patent issue, if not a budget one...

It's one of the latest Musima electric guitar models before the post-reunification progressive collapse of the famous company. Online information starts to be a little more solid, there is now a good page on - in German but the Google instant translation isn't too bad!


© 2011, Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 10th year!

- 1986 James Trussart Super-telecaster OK so we acknowledge that the 1980s produced angular and geometrical guitars, but it also saw the birth of the superstrat - and of the more anecdotical super-telecaster such as this very yellow one-off by James Trussart, who was not...

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- A 1980s Take On The Extravagant Tokai Hummingbird
guitarz.blogspot.comUnfortunately I couldn't find any information about this Tokai, but you can't deny that it looks to the Tokai Gakki Hummingbird like the Yamaha SC looks to its SGV predecessor: a toned down metal-oriented guitar....

- Musima 8-string Mandolin With German Carve This is not a GDR guitar but its baby sister, a beautiful vintage Musima mandolin. I'm not a specialist but I've never seen one like this, with its wide german carve and wooden pickguard. Remember that Musima was not...

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