Guitar Haiku

Guitar Haiku

As they showed the Doppelcaster on the Guitarz blog, I figured out that I'm sometimes too discreet with my work, and also guitars are to be played above all. So let me show you what I do with a Fender Jaguar Special HH - still my favorite guitar though I got several since, probably because it's the easiest to use - plugged in a Marshall MB30 via a Boss FZ-5 fuzzbox. The Jaguar may have less personality than my Dan'o Longhorn Baritone or my Musima Eterna - just to mention the recent ones - but when it comes to pure playing, that's the first choice.

This video was also produced for and presented in my current Angel Meat exhibition.

- Refinished Musima Eterna This is not the first time we see a Musima Eterna on Guitarz since I even presented my own here a few years ago, but this version roughly refinished in blue (usually Musima models are black and Migmas are perloid red) with...

- Musima Eterna In Guitarz 2012 Calendar
I told you already about the release of Guitarz 2012 calendar (that you can acquire here) featuring both my Doppelcaster (on the front page) and my good old Musima Eterna, about which I published a detailed post here.  ...

- Self Playing Doppelcaster
Life is cruel: the very day i finished the Doppelcaster, I played on it one hour - enough to understand that it will take a long time of practice to figure out what to do with it - then I turned it into the sound installation for which it's been...

- Doppelcaster Project
  I know that I have many projects cooking and almost none really achieved but this last year I've been lucky enough to be very busy with stage projects - and this should last another year if everything works like planed! Anyway, it...

- 1962 Fender Jaguar - Custom Black - Mostly Original In Chatanooga Tn For $1500
Regular readers of this blog know that I rarelyevery highlight Fender, Gibson or Martin guitars liston on CL because they are usually priced at or above standard market value.  But I am highlighting this Jaguar because if itis mostly all original...

