Self playing Doppelcaster

Self playing Doppelcaster

Life is cruel: the very day i finished the Doppelcaster, I played on it one hour - enough to understand that it will take a long time of practice to figure out what to do with it - then I turned it into the sound installation for which it's been made. So it's currently hanging on a wall of the Akademie Schlos Solitude in Stuttgart, next to the video I posted previously, both being part of the exhibition Angel Meat I already mentioned. Now I'm back home, won't see it before one month - then the hardest will come...

- Highly Customized Airline Electric (formerly Acoustic) Guitar Here's an email I received this morning about the above-pictured guitar: I've been a reader of your blog for a little over two years, and I assured myself that if I finished a significant project- I'd send it in to Guitarz....

- No Guitars But Plenty Of Pedals
Didn't post here for a while, but for honorable reasons, being busy with a project in real life. No guitars this time but plenty of pedals, as you can see on these pics, connecting a theremin to a quadrophonic sound system for an heavily effected...

- More Sketches
Have another project to add to my long list, but like the Doppelcaster, something concrete and not overly difficult to do - it requires just a little bit of money... After the Doppelcaster I have some leftover gear that allows me to make another...

- Doppelcaster Project
  I know that I have many projects cooking and almost none really achieved but this last year I've been lucky enough to be very busy with stage projects - and this should last another year if everything works like planed! Anyway, it...

- Dj Third Arm & The Tentacles
A few month ago I was invited to join the art noise band DJ Third Arm & the Tentacles for a concert in Performance Hotel in Stuttgart. At some point I stopped playing to shoot this short video where you can see impro guitarist David Bausseron playing...

