more sketches

more sketches

Have another project to add to my long list, but like the Doppelcaster, something concrete and not overly difficult to do - it requires just a little bit of money...

After the Doppelcaster I have some leftover gear that allows me to make another telecaster, I always loved the idea of the Ikea Butcher Block Tele created by Zachary, and I discovered recently that Rockinger proposes sitar bridge saddles for teles, so I was almost ready to make a Butcher Block Sitarcaster, but something didn't work: I don't see the point of just copying a tele since I'm mostly interested in guitar design. So I've been playing for a while with tele variations, unsuccessfully until I finally found what I want to do, it's the model H above.

I found this idea of the double lower horn a while ago and it didn't feel promising until now - I'm very slow in my process but it's not a waste of time after all!

more later...

- Eyb Sitar-guitar I've been interested in German luthier Eyb ever since I started to look for a sitar-guitar bridge - they propose one of the few available ones (I finally settled for Rockinger - another German brand - telecaster sitar saddles...

- Another Good Working Day
Didn't lose my time today, having access to a band saw, I could cut my Ikea butcher block as a modified telecaster - though I still don't know if I should use my Microfret neck or wait until I can buy a baritone neck (the extra horn...

- Ikea Birch Wood Butcher Block, An Ur-telecaster...
Here it is! I hinted at it last week, and due to the generosity of a benefactor (a little bit surprise to be asked for her humble kitchen appliance), I managed to put my hands on a second hand (with vintage patina) Ikea butcher block...

- A Sitar Bridge For The Doppelcaster
Ordered sitar-guitar saddles from Rockinger, and a vintage style telecaster bridge, but I overlooked the fact that the Squier teles I used to build the Doppelcaster had modern bridges... I will see if I can make things fit - and I still have the option...

- Doppelcaster Project
  I know that I have many projects cooking and almost none really achieved but this last year I've been lucky enough to be very busy with stage projects - and this should last another year if everything works like planed! Anyway, it...

