more sketches

more sketches

I'm very close to my baritone design now - but since last time I said this I created a alternative design with an upper horn, so now I have to choose between e & f...
Anyway, next month I can go back to the work-bench after months filled with performances and travels, and before a new performance series in autumn!

- The Workshop
I thought it was about time I gave you a lookaround my workshop. This is the main bench where I do most of my work. I also have two other benches which I use mostly for either sawing, cutting, routing work or simply as somewhere to put instruments when...

- Chip Todd. . . . . .
Well, I know I said we would look at some Classic Japanese gear but something has happened recently and I thought I would share it. You may realise by now that I am a big fan of the Peavey "T" series, with the last couple of posts dedicated to some of...

- More Sketches For A Baritone
Now that I almost finished my 7-string project, I have to admit that the long lower horn is a problem if I don't want to make it with a big open curve Mosrite style. I made a cardboard model of my baritone project without this horn and it doesn't...

- Baritone Project Sketches
Making my 7-string project, I realized that the long lower horn is a problem, and since I planed a similar one for the baritone project, I have to modify its design. And it looses its balance with a shorter horn so everything must reajust... First new...

- Back To Cardboard
    My last research in guitar design led me to go back to some sketches I made a couple of months ago and rework them with a different perspective. I mostly like big bodies (probably because I'm big) and my first idea was to create thick...

