Chip Todd. . . . . .

Chip Todd. . . . . .

Well, I know I said we would look at some Classic Japanese gear but
something has happened recently and I thought I would share it.

You may realise by now that I am a big fan of the Peavey "T" series,
with the last couple of posts dedicated to some of my T-40's, with
more to follow, along with my T-60 collection.

The "T" refers to Todd, Chip Todd, who developed the "T" series,
which was Peavey's first venture into Guitars & Basses, starting
back in the mid 70's.

Much to my delight, Chip has once again become active amongst
Peavey players and collectors on this site.

It is like being able to pose a question, personally, to Leo Fender
or Les Paul - we all have reference from the internet- why
things were made that way or the the design was done this way
because. . . . . .
but the most accurate information is from the man himself.

Chip has now retired from his shop and perhaps has more time to
be involved in preserving of the heritage of his work.
He has written a very honest account, regarding the design and
materials of the T-40, to which I have replied.
If you, like me, apreciate his work for what it is, sign up and drop
him a line.

That's all for now, back to the collection next time.

Cheers. :)

- Flat Eric. . . . Fame, At Last!
Two posts in one day!!  Yep, it's like London busses - you wait for ages and then several all turn up at once!! Back at the start of the year, I was contacted by Willie Mosely, who writes for The Vintage Guitar magazine - he was writing a book...

- Peavey T-40 And T-60 Users And Literature. .
Peavey were keen to let it be known that their guitars were being used by  major artists, at the time - perhaps the most famous, was Ross Valory of the band, Journey. There was also Leon Medica of Le Roux and Banner Thomas from Molly...

- Peavey T-40 And T-60 Cases. . . . .
Happy New Year. Sorry for the delay on this - been a bit busy! :) More interesting stuff from Chip Todd This one is all about the cases that came with the T-40 and T-60.    The official first cases were the Vac formed ones,...

- 20,000 Visits! Here's To The Next 20,000. . . . . . .
Since I started this project, I have now had over 20,000 page views! To all those who have been here before, hope you have enjoyed it so far and hope to see you coming back. The feature that attracted the most visits, was the one that was on the guitar...

- Peavey Zodiac. . . . . .
Peavey Zodiac! Body, neck, two pick-ups, tuners and strings etc. . . . A neat package - just a nice bass. These are great basses to play. This one was my "Fireside Bass" for at least 6 months. "Fireside" because as well as having a great sound plugged...

