more sketches for a baritone

more sketches for a baritone

Now that I almost finished my 7-string project, I have to admit that the long lower horn is a problem if I don't want to make it with a big open curve Mosrite style. I made a cardboard model of my baritone project without this horn and it doesn't work at all so I will drop the whole thing and make a completely different model - with no horn. Fortunatly I have many designs to choose from!

- The Slowest Guitar Project In The World
So here it comes again, I could put a couple of hours into the 7-string guitar project, I finally assembled everything and it works not so bad, but a buzzing problem that requires that I rework the neck pocket - I need to remove 2 mm of wood... The...

- My Own Signature Guitar
I usually sketch many guitars, week after week, any kind of guitars, just for research purpose and without any restriction. Then I was thinking about the guitar I would really want for myself, and I came up with this model that gathers a few things...

- Microfret Neck And Sitarcaster
Just bought on eBay this MicroFrets neck - from a 1968 Calibra - at a fair price, but missing its trademark MicroNut. Before I received it, I had planed to use it for my Butcher Block Sitarcaster project, so I wouldn't have to wait until I've...

- More Sketches
I'm very close to my baritone design now - but since last time I said this I created a alternative design with an upper horn, so now I have to choose between e & f... Anyway, next month I can go back to the work-bench after months filled...

- Sketch
Another model that starts to look like something... For a while now I've been busy with the lower horn - that should be curved enough to allow playing sitting with a high neck (this position usual in classical guitar is now more en more used by electric...

