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Didn't listen much to music in the last days, I had guests and prefer not to impose my music... But I still played some Herbie Hancock and Headhunters, also watched on YouTube live videos of late Cure concerts with Reeves Gabrels holding the guitar - I understand that he will still part of the band for the next album, that is promising... And I looked at and listened to some Steve Reich - also on YouTube...

I'm still late on many RL projects like usually, yet I expect to post more regularly here now...

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Music of the week: I don't know if it's just me or if this happens to other people too, but sometimes I figure out that I missed some essential bands even at the time when I was the most obsessed with music - including bands that would have...

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Music of the week: difficult to tell what music interested me most in the last days - I've seen a few good concerts, played one, listened to different things including many synthesizer demos... Lets say that what I remember the most is hearing...

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Music of the week: lots of Weather Report live - thanks to YouTube... I'm still amazed that I listen regularly to 1970s jazz rock, it used to be so far from my musical universe - even if I've always thought that quality transcend musical genre......

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Main music of the week: the two albums the Headhunters recorded in the 1970s without Herbie Hancock, Survival Of The Fittest and Straight From The Gate. Unavoidable if you want your head blown off by free improvisation while grooving on funky beats......

- Gtr And Shame.
I just saw a Facebook ad for a Steve Hackett album that touts him as the guitarist in Genesis and GTR.  I was a little surprised to see the GTR moniker being mentioned as a feather in Hackett's career cap, given the many jokes that followed J.D....

