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Music of the week: difficult to tell what music interested me most in the last days - I've seen a few good concerts, played one, listened to different things including many synthesizer demos... Lets say that what I remember the most is hearing Ryoji Ikeda's minimal glitch music in a dinner party and thinking that I don't listen enough to this kind of any more. And I heard a few seconds of the Dead Weather's next single, and it sounds great.

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Music of the week: I listened to plenty of new things lately but I must pack my stuff and go rehearsing for the next SPEV concert so I just pick one band I just discovered on YouTube: Kill it Kid, kind of young Dead Weather…  I hope that...

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Music of the week: I listened to many things and nothing really stood out, but I notice that more and more of my Facebook friends listen to and post about folk and neo-folk music, mostly guitar based... I wouldn't listen to this spontaneously but...

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Music of the week: lots of Weather Report live - thanks to YouTube... I'm still amazed that I listen regularly to 1970s jazz rock, it used to be so far from my musical universe - even if I've always thought that quality transcend musical genre......

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Didn't listen much to music in the last days, I had guests and prefer not to impose my music... But I still played some Herbie Hancock and Headhunters, also watched on YouTube live videos of late Cure concerts with Reeves Gabrels holding the guitar...

- Concert Review: The Dead Weather In Huxleys Neue Welt, Berlin
A few days ago I was at the concert of the Dead Weather in Berlin - a quite amazing performance I must say. I've been following the Kills for a while now, so when Alison Mosshart joined the Dead Weather, I was quite curious about this new band...

