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Main music of the week: the two albums the Headhunters recorded in the 1970s without Herbie Hancock, Survival Of The Fittest and Straight From The Gate. Unavoidable if you want your head blown off by free improvisation while grooving on funky beats... On a funky mood, I also listened (and danced) to songs of Prince's Prince logo.svg album - I had forgotten how much I loved Prince back in the 20th century...

Won't be building anything and still not posting much in the coming weeks, for I'm busy with several projects until fall - some of them I will talk about here very soon I hope...

- Sometimes It Snows In April
Back in the 20th century, Prince made me who I am by teaching me that all that matters is the music - there are no styles, no genre, no chapels, just the music. This is true for everything. Saw him in Paris on the Lovesexy tour - I suppose it was in...

- More Sketches And Cd Reviews
It's been for ever since I last posted a CD review here! Like I said before, call me old school but I insist on buying my music on CDs - I've seen enough music formats, supports and online hosts disappear over the last decades, and killed enough...

- Dirty Primitives Go No Pop
Dirty Primitives just released a new single that is quite surprising in many ways - though not betraying the sound we've discovered on their first album. Obviously they don't play by the rules - that's probably why their music is good...

- Interlude
Sorry for not posting much lately, I'm a little bit busy with other projects, but mostly my scanner is dead and I didn't decide yet how to replace it... But I have sketches and also other things to post about in the coming days! ...

- Teisco Et-200 Tulip In Phoenix Az Area For $50
When I talk about good deals on CL for vintage guitar buffs this is the type of deal I am talking about.  I've owned quite a few Teisco's over the years and they are fun little guitars - though few are what I would call "pro level". ...

