Sometimes it Snows in April

Sometimes it Snows in April

Back in the 20th century, Prince made me who I am by teaching me that all that matters is the music - there are no styles, no genre, no chapels, just the music. This is true for everything. Saw him in Paris on the Lovesexy tour - I suppose it was in 1988 -, and I remember everything of this epic concert 30 years later...  Tough year.

- Dirty Primitives Go No Pop
Dirty Primitives just released a new single that is quite surprising in many ways - though not betraying the sound we've discovered on their first album. Obviously they don't play by the rules - that's probably why their music is good...

- More Sketches
music of the week: I'm still listening to plenty of stuff lately, mostly electronic music, maybe due to my last acquisitions. And when it comes to electronic pop music, nothing can beat Liaisons Dangereuses, who kind of exhausted the genre...

- More Sketches
Here is a little bit of anything - headstock ideas for the prototype to be built, ergo-headless designs for a friend, and funny designs sketched on a picnic table in the sun (hence the bucolic branch model)...  Today I'll start working on...

- More Sketches
Music of the week: YouTubed concert of Adam Ant's new band in The Hague last summer. Adam is now in great shape after many years in mental disease limbos, and he's never as good as when he's playing his earliest songs -...

- Cds Non Reviews: The Cds I Bought In The Last Months...
Last year I started to review some CDs, and I planed to go on, very subjectively and only about the stuff I'm interested in, but I failed at that - started some then postponed and now there are too many to do it seriously but without turning it into...

