more sketches

more sketches

Here is a little bit of anything - headstock ideas for the prototype to be built, ergo-headless designs for a friend, and funny designs sketched on a picnic table in the sun (hence the bucolic branch model)... 

Today I'll start working on a foam model of the prototype - I still have to choose a name for it -, it will be built by a luthier in Germany. 

Also my new music project is progressing very well, I expect to go back on stage within a few months, it's been too long since my last concert - though I kind of start again from zero and will play music I never played before (music people might enjoy listening to - that is new too). 

The negative side of it is that I need to buy some machines - I want to go full analog, I don't like a  computer on stage - and I want to stick to the principle that music should pay for itself. Since I didn't earn money with music for ages, I consider selling my limited edition 1980s Midnight White Rickenbacker 620... That is breaking my heart, since it's my first serious guitar and it sounds like nothing else and I love it, but I must go forward... I just hope that I can find buyers in Europe that understand its value - and it's quite beaten, I've played it for 25 years and it shows...

music of the week: a few days ago I went to an excellent concert of the Vienna Vocal Consort for a program of Monteverdi (Sixth book of Madrigals) and William Byrd - I also bought their Byrd CD. Sometimes when I listen to Monteverdi I wonder if any music was worth composing after him...

- More Sketches
Music of the week: one of the musicians who influenced me the most is Marc Ribot. I saw him on stage in the early 1990s - a little bit by chance, all I knew about him was that he was playing for Tom Waits - and he blew my mind: it was like nothing...

- Korg Volca Bass And Beats
Finally, after I pre-ordered them 5 months ago (I wanted to have them as soon as they were released, but Korg distribution in Europe kinda sucks), I received my new Korg Volca instruments - the Volca Beats and the Volca Bass. I didn't...

- Obituary
My friend theremist and electronicist Laurent Dailleau passed away yesterday. He was a respected musician of the experimental music scene in France, and he will be deeply regretted. In the last months he was part of a touring project...

- More Sketches
Musik of the week: I've been listening to several Radiohead concerts from the 1990s and 2000s on YouTube... Back in the 90s I wasn't listening so much to pop/rock, I was mostly into noise and experimental music, Japanese easy listening, cosmo-pop...

- More Sketches
Musik of the week: I just received a CD of György Ligeti's studies for piano and I could just listen to it once today but I really love this music, and Ligeti is one of my favorite composers. And I keep listening to Cult...

