


1. So, I finally reinstalled my workbench and I little by little start to work again on my pedal enclosures.

2. I've been offered today a Hardwire Supernatural reverb - a fine piece of electronics. I will practice with it for a few days and record a demo, but I can tell already that it's a very promising pedal...

3. I was doing some computer maintenance and I found a piece that I made a few years ago when I was learning how to use music softwares - it's been uploaded on MySpace just before they sabotage themselves, and I forgot about it, it might interest someone...


- Gearing Up For Coming Concerts
I will have a few concerts in the coming weeks - solo and with the Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna. Here is my pedal line for my improvised solo act next week - as you can see I added an EHX Holy Stain multi-effect to the line, that...

- New Pedal Board And Stuff
Having acquired some new pedals lately I have to rethink my pedal board - and eventually I have to double it - I need to put about 15 pedals on it and keep it transportable, I don't know yet how I will do that... The Hardwire Supernatural and the...

- New Alu Pedal Cases
Just received some alu cases to paint a new batch of pedal enclosures - more samurais and dragons and maybe a geisha...  ...

- Alu Log Guitar Project
In the last days I've been considering again working on an aluminium hollow-body rectangle guitar - since I plan to build an alu plate folder for a pedal I have in mind, I'm wondering if I should not do it big enough to fold a piece...

- Wrong Side Of Uranus
It took a few months (out of stock, then holidays, then out of money, then address confusion...) but I finally received today my Wrong Side of Uranus, a wicked bit-crusher/LFO by Montreal Assembly and I'm really not disappointed. It's a complex...

