Alu log guitar project

Alu log guitar project

In the last days I've been considering again working on an aluminium hollow-body rectangle guitar - since I plan to build an alu plate folder for a pedal I have in mind, I'm wondering if I should not do it big enough to fold a piece suitable for a guitar body... 

The back made of wood, one neck pick-up (that's what I use most), a wrap-around bridge (to make a shorter body), a diagonal F-hole, a second-hand neck (I have a couple), that should do!  It doesn't seem so difficult now than when I had an idea last year - I've learnt a lot since! And I will start building again soon after a few months busy with relocating and start a new life (again) in a new country

- 7-string Headstock
Today, I've been working on the aluminium plated headstock of my 7-string project. Since I modified the Ibanez copy design of the headstock by making it narrower, I decided to reinforce and rigidify it with aluminium - like the front of the guitar....

- More Concrete Stuff
This is the raw material for the two guitars project - one cheap one to try out - doesn't mean it will be bad, and also if it works I will upgrade what is upgradable - then the main project. So number one will be a seven string guitar with a second...

- Setting My Sights A Little Lower
It can't have escaped anyone's attention that I haven't yet built the T-beam guitar. Even though I've talked a lot about it, nothing tangible has emerged. I've bought the components and there's nothing much missing. It's just...

- Making My Own T-beam
As mentioned earlier, I've had an unexpected hard time finding a suitable T-beam. There are lots of them available, but none wide enough for me to make holes for the pickups without intersecting the top flange completely. For now, I have given...

- Alternatives To The T-beam
I've tried quite a lot of places to get the crucial component, the T-beam. It is more difficult than I originally expected. I've tried a couple of scrap metal dealers and the leading Danish metal distributor. Plus a couple of web-based stores....

