Setting my sights a little lower

Setting my sights a little lower

It can't have escaped anyone's attention that I haven't yet built the T-beam guitar. Even though I've talked a lot about it, nothing tangible has emerged. I've bought the components and there's nothing much missing. It's just a question of doing it.

So why haven't I made it yet?

It's mostly due to my busy life with a job and two small children. Yet other busy parents manage to build guitars, so there must be another reason. I've been thinking a lot about it and have reached the trivial conclusion that the T-beam guitar is too big a task for my limited experience. There are too many things that can go wrong in the process, and that's keeping me back.

I've decided that I need an easier task to gain some experience. A task that gives me a reasonable chance of success. This means that I'll have to lower my ambitions and - for starters - build something much simpler: A two-string, nylon string, fretless piezo alu T-beam stick bass. This is way easier than my original goal (a guitar with frets, tapered neck, pickup cavities, etc.), meaning that I might actually get it built.

The instrument minus acrylic body

The simplicity (and hence increased probability of it becoming a reality) of this new project in comparison with my original idea is due to the following factors:

Fretless because:

Two strings because:

Nylon strings because:

A bass because

Piezo pickups because

Alu T-beam because

A stick (with detachable body) because:

That's a lot of reasons to build the thing. Some are better than others, but overall I believe the project to have a good chance of success.

- Two-layer Aluminium Neck
Among the drawbacks of my old T-beam designs were the lack of a truss rod or similar system to control the bow of the neck. A way to help this - but still use stock aluminium beam for the guitar - could be having a neck in two layers - an upper flat beam,...

- Future Project
Here's an instrument which I'd like to make some day: Three string blues slide guitarFor playing seatedSliding nutNo strapSpine: 30 X 12 mm aluminium rectangular beam - freely vibrating Piezo pickup on aluminium beamSliding pickup under strings-...

- A Sliding Pickup
There has been several attempts - by for example Westone and more recently Norton Guitars - to make a pickup that can be moved to the areas of the strings where different antinodes and their corresponding overtones are located. This gives you the sound...

- New Tuners
I've always wanted to try out my a particular form of tuners for headless guitars and basses. They work by having a scew pulling a brass block in which the ball end of the string is mounted. The main inspiration was Jeff Turpin's tuners; drawings...

- I Haven't Abandoned The T-beam Guitar
...but I've put the project on hold for a while. I've been too busy the last half year or so to really focus on building guitars. Plus, I've found out that there is a number of areas - especially metal working - where I need to improve my...

