new pedal board and stuff

new pedal board and stuff

Having acquired some new pedals lately I have to rethink my pedal board - and eventually I have to double it - I need to put about 15 pedals on it and keep it transportable, I don't know yet how I will do that...

The Hardwire Supernatural and the Empress Tape Delay really changed my sound and the way I play, I relay now on the sole Inductor Guitars MP-1 for drive/fuzz, I start to use regularly the Montreal Assembly Wrong Side of Uranus bitcrusher though I still don't really understand how it works, and as you can see I failed to re-house my Dan'o Rocky Road faux-Leslie, and though it's uneasy to use I do like its sound a lot...

I also just bought a channel switcher that allows me to organize all that and clean my sound, and I'm waiting for a new repeat percussion (a kit, gotta heat my soldering iron)... I'm getting ready for my new music project about which I'm quite excited.

Something else, David from Michigan having noticed that I changed the pickguard of my Paul Westerberg signature First Act and looking for an original 'ugly plaid one' for his, asked for mine, and I sent it to him (I still have to etch the alu one I made).

I take the opportunity to suggest to you to have a look at and support former Replacements guitarist Slim  Dunlap, who suffered a stroke and lives in the glorious US of A, where real people cannot afford insurance.

- Mellifluous Pussy Mp-1 Review
When Erik from Inductor Guitars proposed me to review his MP-1 pedal, I was interested right away because it had already attracted my attention last year when Fuzz Box Girl released a video about it. But I'll have to do the review my own way because...

- New Pedal
Lucky me, I won an Empress Tape Delay at the weekly ProGuitarShop giveaway - and received it the same day I got my Supernatural back (the one I had was dysfunctional and had to be replaced). After having been busy lately with fuzz boxes,...

- Noise Box Workshop
On the weekend I did a noise box workshop - I'm so clumsy when it comes to soldering and this kind of stuff, that I thought it's time to learn it for real! On pic 2 you can see how pathetic my soldering technic was, but after a few hours...

- Pedalboard Project
A man my age should have a proper pedalboard, thought I last week, mostly because I'm fed up loosing 20 minutes unpacking, plugging, unplugging and repacking my pedals each time I go to the studio to rehearse. Because I never have...

- Rehousing A Danelectro Pedal
Pedal time! After the Mystery guitar (still no better name - I like die Planck, a mock German name suggested by Guitarz co-poster David from Barcelona, but I'm not sure), let's go back to my DIY fuzzbox project - and while I'm...

