Westone Quantum Bass X850. . . . . .

Westone Quantum Bass X850. . . . . .

Westone Quantum Bass X850

This is not a toy and never was. 

These were serious instruments, with a fairly hefty price.
Back in 1986, these were listed at $529, which in today's money,
is over $1000, at today's $ to £ rate, is just over £640!! 

Medium scale, well balanced, with a great range of tones.
When you go to pick it up, it is quite a surprise - it is almost as heavy
as a standard bass, having a maple neck and body. 

Matsumoku built, so pretty much ticks all of the boxes.
It has a cut-away, so if you wander into a bit of 80's Slappin' and Poppin',
you can easily get your fingers under the G and D string.
This was also a feature on the Super Headless, which is the one that
has escaped me, so far - would love to have a go on one. 

The stringing set up is as per the Westone Rails I had, so there is no
need for double ball strings - any string will do, so if you have a favourite,
stick 'em on and get playing.

This one has it's original silver carry bag and I believe the original strap,
as one of my Rail basses, also came with the same strap.
It is in very good condition, aside from the marks on the pick-ups, which
is common on this type. 

As you can see, got some shots at last - I think it's time for some lemon
oil and a string change - might take it to rehearsal next week!

Quantum Info 

Now I have done this one, I think I will carry on the headless theme and do
my Yamaha BX1, which is lurking somewhere and I may also do my Hohner
B2A, which is also probably lurking in the same area as the Yamaha!!

Cheers. :) 

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