Yamaha Super Bass 500. . . . . . .

Yamaha Super Bass 500. . . . . . .

Rehearsal last night and I took the "Parkinson" which I have
covered before, in a previous post.

I still marvel at how good it sounds and how nice it plays, for
something that is clearly "Hand Made" - there has been no attempt
to disguise the fact that it was fashioned by someone making a
bass to play, without going into fancy detail.
The sound is so very close to a Ric - more so than the Precision it
is modelled on.
The pics in my previous post show it without strings, prior to being
set up and serviced. I will put some up as it is now, as soon as I can.

The Mystery Bass. . . . . . . . .

Yamaha SB500 "Super Bass".

Now, you don't see many of these!!

I've not played it for a few months, so next rehearsal it will have
an outing and I will do a feature on this rare, early Yamaha Bass.

Cheers. :)

Edit: Forgot to mention, no one got the correct answer!
Bit of fun I will repeat another time.

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