Off On Another Quixotic Journey

Off On Another Quixotic Journey

Time to haul this bad-boy up the highway!

  Hello gang.  I just thought I'd write a little note before I crash down for an early evening's sleep before a twelve hour drive from Vancouver to Calgary.  Hurricane and the Hooligans is heading out for our first road trip of the year, and here in Western Canada, spring hasn't exactly sprung.  That means I'll be looking at a whole lotta' pineapple express-style torrential rain for the first four or five hours of driving over a mountain range.  Or, at least, I hope I'm looking at rain, because we might be looking at snow instead and that would suck.
  Years ago when I was touring all the time I had a little tradition of speaking to the greater powers in the universe and making nice before every major haul, you know, basically accepting my fate should I die in a flaming vehicular crash that day.
  Now that I have a wife and child, I don't feel quite so easy about the thought of expiring quite so soon, so I suppose I worry about the travelling a little more.
  Anyway, I'm all packed to go.  I'm bringing the vid cam, the laptop and my DAW, so I can use the seven hotel room days to the fullest, so I'm looking forward to posting from the road for the first time!  How twenty-first century of me!
  I'm also toting along a brand new Fuzz Factory clone and my Garnet stencil/Carvin 4x10 piggyback rig out for it's first road trip!  My experiences with modern Fender printed circuit-board based amps have lead me to dread taking my Deluxe reissue on the road.  The old Garnet is a dead simple point-to-point wired  circuit and could be fixed by anyone who ever repaired a radio.  It also has no name-plates, so my whole rig is anonymous!  And it looks super cool...
  Time for me to get some shut-eye.  Reports and vid to come soon!

- New Workshop
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- Electra Outlaw Mpc X620. . . . . . .
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- Ephemera And Updates
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- A Tale Of Two Tours- Part 2
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- Birthday Lashes
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