New tools for a new project

New tools for a new project

Yes I know, another guitar related project (I do also have other kinds of projects going on lately, hence the scarce posting and the lack of concrete achievements in the field of guitar/pedal making)! This one will require new tools and the uncovering of old and unused skills... 

Oh such a mystery! To be unveiled soon!

- Leo Lospennato's New Book: Electric Guitar & Bass Making & Marketing
A few years ago I had the privilege to meet  luthier Leo Lospennato in Berlin and to read his first book - Electric Guitar & Electric Bass Design, a book full of teachings and information about instruments design and conception that...

- Hand Painted Pedal Enclosure
So here is something I had in mind for a while now, as I was trying to combine my appetencies with my competencies in a concrete project, that is to try to earn a little bit of money with my hand work - to fund my next projects. I want...

- The 7-string Guitar Come-back
On Friday my carpenter friend came to check the Doppelcaster, she looked pitifully at my chisel, my rasp and the mutilated tele bodies, and decided to take them to her workshop, rectify them with her machines, and glue them since she was at...

- Melobaritone Project: Gear
I had the opportunity to acquire this  B-stock Steinberger-like tremolo that will fit perfectely to the Melobaritone project - yes it is now a concrete project, I decided to go for it (have to find a better name though, this is not a Melobar...

- More Sketches
the previous post was showing a model that I was quite confident with, but since I gathered the material and the tools, but also spent a lot of time making research and drawings... I have to admit that it's worth taking time to reach a good design...

