the 7-string guitar come-back

the 7-string guitar come-back

On Friday my carpenter friend came to check the Doppelcaster, she looked pitifully at my chisel, my rasp and the mutilated tele bodies, and decided to take them to her workshop, rectify them with her machines, and glue them since she was at it... Lucky me! 

But since all my tools were ready for action, I decided to spend a little bit of time on this semi-abandoned 7-string project, and if I can find a few extra hours it can be finished quite soon - at least the technical work, then I'll do the cosmetics...

- Too Hot To Handle
 Its officially summer here in New Zealand and the weather is warming up. The acoustic season has begun - there's nothing better than sitting out on the deck strumming a few chords, dog by your side and a cold beer on the go.  There is a...

- Music Man Stingray V De-fretting
 I got a call the other day from Matt from the Auckland Rockshop - "can I de-fret a Music Man Stingray 5 string Bass for them?"  Well in fact he said "what will it cost?".  This is a job I do from time to time so I thought I'd write...

- Gibson Tennessee Nut Repair
  This is an unusual guitar - It's a 1990 Gibson Tennessee Chet Atkins model. Here's the serial number, the first and fifth number tell me the year. I think it was '76 they started this system. Gibson's website is good for dating...

- Gibson Sg Neck Re-set
This one came in last week, its a 1973 Gibson SG. I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with SGs. I love the sound of them, that mid-range definition, fat but with bite. I love the access to the high frets, there's just nothing in your way. I...

- Doppelcaster Body
Here it is! Body adjusted and glued, thanks to my friend Brita and her carpenter's skills and machines!  The next stage requires a little bit of plastic wood to fill unused screw holes and a lot of sanding, then the next difficulty is drilling...

