more sketches

more sketches

hmm, what I feared happened: though I tried to stop thinking of guitar designs, couldn't help having my brain work and my fingers sketch some more guitars, and now I reach this last model, more ergonomic, more original, more pure, more radical... but more difficult to achieve since it requires to be really balanced and not only look like it ; so it would have to be made out of wood several times before being worth making for good.
still quite influenced by the Ovation Breadwinner - well one the best designs and best guitars to me - with something also from the famous Klein ergonomic guitar but with more concern for style - a little bit like the Teuffel Tesla but more rock.
it might seem that there is too much wood, that would make it too heavy, but like my other projects, I think of it chambered - with an aluminium front -, and the upper part would be chamfered front under the right arm and back under the ribcage.
and last thing, I found out that if I make several quick drawings, I can with the different approximations create a lot of details that I wouldn't find just with brain work, hence the many different versions - will probably make much more before I go to real size - if I do.

- Budget Ergonomic Guitar Is A Klein/telecaster Hybrid Ergonomic guitars don't usually come very cheap. They are specialist instruments and are very often luthier built. It's little wonder that many people have sought to build their own, which is where the resources available...

- More Sketches
I was thinking that I could explain a little bit to the new readers of this blog what I'm trying to do here… This morning as I was making these sketches (sitting in the sun at the terrace of a cool Viennese café), I realized that the D model...

- More Sketches
Music of the week: I've just spent a few days in Berlin, and I couldn't help but listen to Lou Reed's Berlin album - and I've been roaming Berlin's autumnal streets humming Sad Song...  I took the opportunity...

- More Sketches
I think that I reach something interesting again in these last drawings... since this blog acquired more visibility, some friends asked me why I would give away my design research on the net, in this times of hysterical intellectual property... well...

- Alternatives To The T-beam
I've tried quite a lot of places to get the crucial component, the T-beam. It is more difficult than I originally expected. I've tried a couple of scrap metal dealers and the leading Danish metal distributor. Plus a couple of web-based stores....

