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Music of the week: well, it's actually music of last week... I didn't buy new CDs for a while but thanks to YouTube I discovered the great band that is Circle Takes the Square - another example of what you can do with screams and guitars...

Actually I started a new music project with screams on top of my guitar, that explains why I'm so interested in this kind of stuff lately - and have less time to blog!

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Music of the week: I don't know if it's just me or if this happens to other people too, but sometimes I figure out that I missed some essential bands even at the time when I was the most obsessed with music - including bands that would have...

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music of the week: I'm still listening to plenty of stuff lately, mostly electronic music, maybe due to my last acquisitions. And when it comes to electronic pop music, nothing can beat Liaisons Dangereuses, who kind of exhausted the genre...

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As you can notice I kept working on my last week's idea of wood + plexiglas + aluminium guitar...  Music of the week: as strange as it may seem if you know my tastes in music, lately I really enjoyed Azealia Banks' video of...

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Musik of the week: I've been listening to several Radiohead concerts from the 1990s and 2000s on YouTube... Back in the 90s I wasn't listening so much to pop/rock, I was mostly into noise and experimental music, Japanese easy listening, cosmo-pop...

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I've decided to cheer up my guitar sketches posts with a few lines about music - more exactly about the music I listen to while drawing. Most of the time I listen to many kinds of music on the radio or social networks, so I will focus...

