more sketches

more sketches

Here are a few models I re-sketched for a guitar design competition - the winner will have the selected model built by Berlin-based luthier Leo Lospennato. Of course I'd love to see one of these existing for real, in wood and metal... 

Music of the week: in France there are many music festivals in summer, and a lot of them are jazz ones, and the French public radio plays a lot of exclusive high quality live music. I've listened amongst others to 2 concerts of Ahmad Jamal and I've been as usual delighted by his music...

- Do You Want To See This Guitar Built?
This guitar has been selected for a design competition organized by ShonKy Musical Instruments in the UK, and if it wins, it will be built - wouldn't it be wonderful? The Epsilon is 2 months late and I have no idea of when it will...

- More Sketches
Music of the week: I listened to so many different things in the last days that I didn't now what to pick, until I started this post while listening to a live jazz radio program, and discovered the Emile Parisien Quartet, some highly talented young...

- More Sketches
Here is a little bit of anything - headstock ideas for the prototype to be built, ergo-headless designs for a friend, and funny designs sketched on a picnic table in the sun (hence the bucolic branch model)...  Today I'll start working on...

- More Sketches
Music of the week: I listened to many things and nothing really stood out, but I notice that more and more of my Facebook friends listen to and post about folk and neo-folk music, mostly guitar based... I wouldn't listen to this spontaneously but...

- Meet Leo Lospennato
Yesterday I met up with Berlin-based Argentinian luthier Leo Lospennato, and it was a nice meeting. I first noticed Leo when I saw is book 'Electric Guitar & Bass Design' in Steward-MacDonald's catalogue, and I was very interested...

