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Music of the week: I recently discovered French jazz saxophone player Guillaume Perret, a powerful and creative musician who's first album was released by Tzadik in 2012, for good reasons... my next CD.

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music of the week: I recently discovered a great album, The Cheerful Insanity of Giles, Giles and Fripp by Giles, Giles and Fripp - you may never have heard of this band but they would later rename themselves King Crimson after a slight personal change....

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Music of the week: one of the musicians who influenced me the most is Marc Ribot. I saw him on stage in the early 1990s - a little bit by chance, all I knew about him was that he was playing for Tom Waits - and he blew my mind: it was like nothing...

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My next collaborative project is probably a headless guitar - not my immediate choice but interesting in term of ergonomics. Alain Bashung - L'Imprudence : I never listen to French pop music, and I even find it irritating when they play some in...

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Music of the week: I listened to so many different things in the last days that I didn't now what to pick, until I started this post while listening to a live jazz radio program, and discovered the Emile Parisien Quartet, some highly talented young...

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I've decided to cheer up my guitar sketches posts with a few lines about music - more exactly about the music I listen to while drawing. Most of the time I listen to many kinds of music on the radio or social networks, so I will focus...

