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music of the week: I just got myself  the Black Angels' Directions to See a Ghost and I can't stop listening to it, I was afraid that like often their studio album wouldn't be as good as the live videos I've seen online, but it's just perfect! 

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Music of the week: can't stop listening to David Bowie's new song - Sue (or in a season of crime) - his best work for decades in my opinion, finally at the level of his genius. I often think that for some great musicians, pop music is...

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Music of the week: I listened to so many different things in the last days that I didn't now what to pick, until I started this post while listening to a live jazz radio program, and discovered the Emile Parisien Quartet, some highly talented young...

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Musik of the week: I've been listening to several Radiohead concerts from the 1990s and 2000s on YouTube... Back in the 90s I wasn't listening so much to pop/rock, I was mostly into noise and experimental music, Japanese easy listening, cosmo-pop...

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Musik of the week: I just received a CD of György Ligeti's studies for piano and I could just listen to it once today but I really love this music, and Ligeti is one of my favorite composers. And I keep listening to Cult...

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Music of the week: I just discovered the Swedish band Cult of Luna through a series of YouTube videos extracted from their live DVD (I ordered it right away to enjoy better sound). It's like I found something I was looking for for a while, that...

