John McGalughlin amazes us all with his thoughts, words and monsterous technique!

John McGalughlin amazes us all with his thoughts, words and monsterous technique!

I have never been a big fan of John McGlaughlin's playing but I've always thought he had amazing technique.  I remember listening to his guitar duets with Carlos Santana on Love, Devotion, and Surrender when I was in college and thinking "This guy is all intellect and technique - no heart."  Of course, I was wrong.  I was just too young and inexperienced to appreciate the harmonic complexity of what he was doing.  And in many ways I still am.  But now when I listen to his playing I reserve judgement and just try to let it speak to me.  You know what - I still don't understand it but I kinda like it now.  And after hearing him talk on this video I realize he is a really nice guy just doing what he loves and trying to communicate something with his music.

Oh yeah, and he's also jammed out and recorded with everyone from Hendrix to Miles Davis to the Rolling Stones and they all thought he was the sha-eet.  So what do I know. 


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