Jaydee Gemini Twin and Brian May Red Special. . . . .

Jaydee Gemini Twin and Brian May Red Special. . . . .

For those who pop back on a regular basis, to what's new,
I have been a bit busy recently, so blog content has been
lacking a little. Sorry!

Anyway. . . . . as I only have a small amount of time today,
I will put up a couple of images, just to whet your appetite! :)

First up is a GUITAR!
Yes, it's true! For those who have mentioned there seems
to be a lot of basses but not many guitars, this is for you.

Burns Brian May Red Special. A lot more detail when I have
a bit more time.

At last, after several times of mentioning it, here is a pic
of my Jaydee Twin. What a truly great bit if kit!!
I managed to track down the original owner, who currently has
a loan of this beast and is rehearsing with it for a gig on the
16th December at The Asylum in Birmingham.
Lots more pics and details on the next posting.

Mmm, Very Nice!!

Back as soon as I can.

Cheers. :)

- Jaydee Twin Neck Goes Home. . . . .
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- Ibanez Mc-924ds, Templates And Direct'ers. . . . .
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- Electra, Yamaha, Aria, Seiwa, Ovation, Jaydee, Guild. . . . . . .
Friday again! Just a quick post today - no pics, sorry!! For anyone who is eagerly waiting for the feature on the Jaydee Twin Neck, sorry - I really must got round to collating the info. There are loads more to come, I just can't get round...

- Ibanez St- 980 8 String And St-824 Studio Basses. . . .
Saturday morning, lots of outside jobs to be done and it's raining. . . Cats and Dogs!! To those not familiar with the phrase = Raining a lot!!!! So, I thought I would just post up some images and spend a few minutes here, while the rain is at it's...

- Marchis Telecaster Thinline. . . . . .
Yes. . . . . I know I said I was going to do the Jaydee Twin Neck but I am very close to being able to have some input from it's original owner, so I thought just for a change, I would do one of the guitars. I took these images some time ago, as...

