Jackson Roswell Rhodes UFO-themed guitar with cool "crop circle" inlays

Jackson Roswell Rhodes UFO-themed guitar with cool "crop circle" inlays

I'm not normally a fan of pointy guitars intended for metal music, and although I realise that the shape of this Jackson Roswell Rhodes is most impractical, I do enjoy the simplicity of its design which manages to convey the intended UFO imagery perfectly. I particularly like the fingerboard inlays which appear to be characters from some weird alien script, or alternatively crop circle designs (even though the sensible among us know that all crop circles are created by hoaxers and/or artists). I can't imagine using it for a studio instrument or around the house or for playing when seated but I'm sure it would make a fantastic stage guitar for the right band.

Currently listed on ebay UK with a starting price of £369.

G L Wilson

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