Fernandes FV-85MS Japanese-made Michael Schenker Flying V replica

Fernandes FV-85MS Japanese-made Michael Schenker Flying V replica

For some reason I find myself drawn towards the Flying V shape, especially when its on a guitar as beautifully finished as that pictured above, but despite the fact that the shape is totally impractical. The Flying V is really a stage guitar. It's not really a guitar for playing at home, or for playing when seated.

Strangely, this particular V appears to be anonymous, although it is actually a 1980s Japanese-made Fernandes FV-85MS. Usually Fernandes guitars based on Gibson designs were given the Burny brandname, and this guitar is unusual in having no name (and what are the bets that some owners applied Gibson decals?). The MS in the model designation naturally refers to none other than Michael Schenker - as if you hadn't guessed from the two-tone black and white finish.

Currently listed on eBay with a Buy It Now price of $899.99.

G L Wilson

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