It's been a year!

It's been a year!

On with the show!!
  It seems like just yesterday I began this little experiment, this little guitar-zine, this blog.  In fact it's been one year and I cannot believe that the worldwide response to my disjointed ramblings has been so warm and continuous.  In the past twelve months there have been 24,000 page views from readers the world over.  It's truly humbling that all you complete strangers tune in to check out my views and hear my experiences.  Thank you.
  But I do have one request: this began as a way to open up conversation (hell, even argument) with other players, but the comments section has remained criminally unused (except by a couple of friends of mine).  Please do me the favour and honour of leaving a comment when you visit.  If you just want to tear a strip off of me for bad grammar or hackneyed adjectiving, please do.  Pats on the back are groovy, but not expected.  I'm looking for conversation about music, mostly.
  And that is the point of this thing.  I started inspireformation because I was going through a slow patch (thankfully brief) in my career and was focussing most of my energies on my wife and young son, somewhat to the detriment of my music.  Lacking the social time to hang out my buddies and rant on about the mechanics of the flatted seventh approaching a chord change, I decided to hit the little button that said 'blogger' and inspireformation launched about twenty minutes later.  I've found it very therapeutic, and my wife doesn't have that glazed look in her eyes that she gets when I rant on for hours about why silicon fuzzes get a bad rap.  (A little hint fella's: when it comes to sharing your enthusiasm for your latest gear-find with your spouse, brevity is the soul of wit.)
  While I have a lot of ideas for articles, some interviews I want to do, etc, etc, I have found myself much busier as a player of late (praise be!) and my familial duties (I am Mr. Mom you know) require a great deal of energy, meaning inspireformation is generally the last priority.  I do have some new toys to demo and there's still chapter two of the tour diary to publish, so there'll be fresh content soon.  But be patient with me.  I've played sixteen shows since the fifteenth of March with two travel days in there, so yeah, I've been a busy boy and I've got the knotty arm muscles to prove it.  See you soon.

- Reeve Guitars - Continued. . . . .
The next instalment from Val Reeve. Off we go again! After the excitement of the eighties, things began to quieten down  and we settled into a routine of making instruments and also began to  do a lot of repairs.  ...

- Peavey T-40 And T-60 Users And Literature. .
Peavey were keen to let it be known that their guitars were being used by  major artists, at the time - perhaps the most famous, was Ross Valory of the band, Journey. There was also Leon Medica of Le Roux and Banner Thomas from Molly...

- Merry Christmas, Everyone!
  Hello readers, pickers and tone obsessives.  Another Christmas day has come and gone, and now that my four-year-old is busy with new toys and the turkey dinner is finished and put away, I have a few minutes to sit down and write for a moment....

- Conversations
Many of my best conversations are with Sandybone.  He knows how to tell a story.  Whilst camping with a bunch of friends this weekend, (roasted a pig!  Good fun!) I came up with what I think is a pretty apt description of being an accompanist....

- Welcome To Inspireformation
  Hello musicians and music lovers.  My name is Double D and it is my pleasure to welcome you to my little piece of the interweb.  I have been a working musician for a couple of decades, performing and recording with scads of artists in...

