Hollow Steel guitar. A "poor" man's Trussart

Hollow Steel guitar. A "poor" man's Trussart


Hello all!

I'm R.W. Haller, and I'm going to be helping out Mr. Wilson with my favourite blog. I usually get my guitar fix from this site so I'll be digging deep to find weird and wonderful guitars to bring to your attention.

So yes. I'm starting with a familiar shape. Admittedly, I am not a Les Paul player ( I play a Burns Steer, a Tele, and a Peavey T-60, but more on those another time ), but there is something about the look of this metal, dragon tattooed beast that speaks to me on a deeper level, and the  droopy cutaway reminds me a bit of this awesome Devo axe.

It's great when I can love a guitar despite hating the basic ingredients

It can be yours for the poor man price $789 ( Canadian dollars, that is )

R.W. Haller

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