Fender Jazz 62 Reissue Pink. . . .

Fender Jazz 62 Reissue Pink. . . .

A Fender!

Yep, I do have a few but they are slowly diminishing, as I work
my way through some of the collection I have enjoyed.

This one was part of the trilogy - two Precisions and a Jazz.
The two precisions have now found new homes and I was
going to hang onto this one but. . . . . .

I lent this to a friend, about 5 years ago, on rather a long loan.
I had it back and although loving it, I nearly parted with it to
another friends bass player but couldn't go through with it.
Anyway, it's a long story but it has now ended up with the the
friend who had it in the first place! With me so far?? :)

Just a joy to play - it just feels so right, I think it has something
to do with the colour.
Lovely rosewood board, period bridge - close your eyes a little
and you get a feeling that this bass is 50 years old.
I know where it is, so it's not like we have parted company,
just changed owners. :)

So, it's bye bye to the Pink Jazz.

Next time, I'll do another '62 - a Sunburst one, very nice!
Two Fender basses in two posts. . . whatever next!

Cheers. :)

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