Debut single from Muddy Goats! Gear rundown for Double D

Debut single from Muddy Goats! Gear rundown for Double D

My weapon of choice with Muddy Goats.  Malcolm Young would approve.
  The Muddy Goats have dropped their our new single on Soundcloud.  'Burn it Down' is an AC/DC flavoured stomper, while 'Bitter Medicine' is more of post-garage rage-fest with some slide guitar courtesy of yours truly.  We really had a blast laying these down!  Check 'em out!

  We'll be debuting the single this Saturday, June 6th at the Princeton in Vancouver.  Hope to see you there Vancouver friends.

  Here's a little photo rig rundown of my gear for the sessions:

'Burn it Down's solo section features the Frankentele Cabronita through a Jet City 20H and a Marshall 4x12

My '93 335 handled rhythm duties and the intro/outro solos through the Wizard and it's matching 4x12.

For 'Bitter Medicine' I employed my Danelecto '63 reissue, rhythm through the Wizard, solos through the Jet City, goosed slightly with a Fulltone FatBoost III and a taste of analog delay from my trusty Maxon AD-80.  The Jet City is a little more spongey and cut through the mix like crazy.

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