

  Those of you who follow this blog will know that I co-host a jam every Tuesday with my buddy Sandybone.  Those of you who have attended will know what a unique and challenging night it usually is for me, backing up all and any who attend, playing anything they want to play.
  A couple of times a year it's time for Sandybone to split for a week or two and I am left to do the all-important curating of this weekly event.  I am almost always shocked by how much work there is to do solo, as opposed to having a counterpart who dodges when you weave, who zigs when you zag.  When Sandy is out of town, I not only have to work musically with all the guests, I have to figure out the sets, mix, set up the PA, and MC.  There's little time to think about anything, really...
  I enjoy the opportunity, but ultimately feel that some sort of flow, some kind of magic is missing when it's all up to me.
  This evening was a delight, and I certainly do not mean to pass on any sour grapes; I'm simply blown away every time at the difference between being a side-man and a front-man, in terms of energy and attention.  It's vast, and I feel sometimes that for me, shutting up and playing guitar is the smarter option.
Inevitably in these scenarios, there is someone who suggests that you would be better off on your own for whatever reason: to these naysayers, I say "many hands make light work".  And we're in the business of making light my dears.  Making light.

                       Astute viewers will notice Sandybone's presence in this video.  It was shot a week prior.

- Val Reeve Continues. . . . .
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- Electra Outlaw Mpc X620. . . . . . .
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- A Little Heads-up For Jammers
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- Comfortably Numb
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- Very Normal Activity (ie. Not Normal At All)
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