Comfortably Numb

Comfortably Numb

Into the great wide-open, a rebel without a clue...
  I had an interesting revelation last night: I played better (more dynamically and sensitively) when I had had no idea what was going on than when I did.
  As regular readers know, I host a jam/open mic every Tuesday.  This session has been my music school for over six years now.  Prior to doing this particular gig I was a blues specialist.  It seems now, though, that escaping my now well-worn blues concept for flying blind is the way to go.
  The high point of my night was playing with a country singer (bluegrass specialist) from Colorado.  Patrick has an amazing voice, and the confidence and experience to bring it.  Even though I had no idea what to expect from the gentleman, his easy delivery and solid performance issued a welcome mat that few players can lay out.  Later I played with the excellent Rachel Davis and was usurped by my own sense of "knowing" where the tune was headed; close, but no cigar.  My memory simply isn't that good, so I'm better off picking up the subtleties fresh.  I also had the opportunity to perform with Noreen Braun, a bluesy folk-singer in the Tracy Chapman mode, and went off on another path, tonally and musically.  These are my happy times.  Baffle me into submission.
  Earlier in the night I played with Sandybone, our host, and didn't play nearly as hot; too much supposition on my part, and not enough listening...too much reliance on history and concept.  As the evening wore on, I was able to connect with my ears, play in multiple genres in a convincing manner, and have a bit of fun with it.
  To me, this is music: not a series of exercises, but a stone cold, life-or-death situation, needing our deepest care and attention so we can do it right.  Anything less would just suck donkey-bits.

- A Little Heads-up For Jammers
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- Solo (you Can't Hear It)
One is the loneliest number...  I just landed a steady solo gig, the first in about two years since I had a serious falling out with the proprietor of the last joint (where I had cooked for eight years and performed for three-and-half).  This...

- Counterparts
  Those of you who follow this blog will know that I co-host a jam every Tuesday with my buddy Sandybone.  Those of you who have attended will know what a unique and challenging night it usually is for me, backing up all and any who attend,...

- Very Normal Activity (ie. Not Normal At All)
   Hello my dear readers.  I apologize for the lack of any recent content, but the gap in posts happened for the best possible reason.  You see, I blog because I don't necessarily get to play as much music as I would like...

- Last Minute Gigs-or The Ballad Of Dwight Frye As Told By Rachel Davis
  Oh lord, I love getting last minute calls for gigs- one second you're contemplating what you might watch on the telly that evening, the next you're off to a gig.  Even better, many last minute calls are due to sickness, border trouble,...

