Columbus Telecaster Bass. . . . .

Columbus Telecaster Bass. . . . .

This was added to the collection, purely for nostalgic reasons.

In the 70's, most of the small town music shops had a fairly good
selection of copies, as the real thing was very expensive.
These were CSL, Antoria, Sumbro, Kimbara, CMI, Grant, Columbus
and quite a few others, that ranged from not bad at all to ermm. . .
not too good.
One of the more common ones was Columbus and someone I knew
had one of these.

He was about 10 years older than me and was in a band doing covers
of Stones, Quo, T Rex, Slade etc - not gigging, just getting together once
a week, so I used to pop down to see them.
I was always allowed a quick go, while he went out for a break and it
stuck with me, so when I spotted this one, I just had to have it.

I have no intention of playing it live, it is just a play-thing, which being
shorter scale, is easy to sit down and noodle on.
It is really quite playable and has a really nice sound to it but the look
of it and the memories it brings back, are more important.

This is one of the boys at work - this is the other Studio bass I have,
who had a very successful outing on Friday.

This one is the mate to the one I have already listed and both have
some great sounds and a great feel, although they are slightly heavier
than your average bass, they balance nicley and are very comfortable
to play.
A good night out.

Until the next time. . . . .

Cheers. :)

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