Bunch of Lil Tube Combos in Maine - $159 and up

Bunch of Lil Tube Combos in Maine - $159 and up

This gentleman is selling a bunch of small tube guitar amps in Maine. He says this Kingston (Teisco) might makea good harp amp - but those 3 mini octals imply a 120V hot chassis to me so I wouldn't count on it - but it still might sound pretty good - and he has a few other amps too.

60's vintage Kingston 2 x 8 tube amp - $159 (Bar Harbor)
Reply to: mailto:[email protected]?subject=60 [Errors when replying to ads?]Date: 2009-06-07, 8:10AM EDT
Very rare 2 x 8 Kingston amp with Alnico speakers. This would make a great recording or practice amp. It would also make a great harp amp. The amp is in excellent condition for its age. I also have other amps available for sale including a couple of hand built boutique amps, a 5 watter in a solid red oak cab and a 14 watter in a solid black walnut cab. 40 watt G.K. Butler USA built Tube Works tweed, 60's Silvertone 5XL tube amp. I'm also a dealer for the amazing ZT lunchbox, the mosrt incredible amp I have ever used, 9lbs, the size of a lunchbox and 200 watts peak output. I also have an Ampeg J12T Jet II reissue in mint condition.

- Carvin 50 Watt Belair 2x12 Combo In Los Angeles For $250
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- Teisco Collectors - A Pair Of Checkmate 17 Amps - Both Tube And Ss In Detroit For $150
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- Sound Projects Tube Amp In Athens Ga For $150
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