Awesome original 1956 Studio Footage of a Bigsby Double neck electric guitar

Awesome original 1956 Studio Footage of a Bigsby Double neck electric guitar

This is some mind blowing footage. The player is _______* and he is playing a rare (even at the time) Paul Bigsby built Double neck solid body electric guitar. Check out the awesome Chuck Berry - James Burton style licks and the killer tone!

One of the best parts is at the end when the recording engineer says: "That guitar is really distawted - guess we better do it again." LOL!!

This is courtesy of _____ family who posted it on youtube. Sadly ____ died a few years ago but there are some other videos of the guitar that is still in their possession - check it out.

Here is a modern close up examination of the guitar. Try not to fall out of your seat at some of the hilarious comments made by the grandsons about the guitar.

Note: * I have no idea if the player on these videos is G___ Martin or not so I am purposefully not identifying him as such. I don't see the name emblazoned on the guitar (as it was on all of G__ M___'s guitars) so there is no way to know for sure. Just doing it that way out of respect for the player and his family. - JC

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