Another Ibanez Blazer. . . . .

Another Ibanez Blazer. . . . .

Around 4 years ago, I sold my old Blazer, to someone
who I have now got to know quite well, on line.

This one.

Well, after some time, he sold it and has regretted the moment, ever since!

This was a battered but trusty old friend - a cracking bass, in many respects.

I sort of regretted it, when I let it got but I had an RB650, which is the same
bass with a J type pick-up and that was also a joy to play. - I now have 3
of them but still lacking a Blazer.

That was until a few weeks ago, when another Blazer, joined the fold.

I sort of have plans for it but not sure if I have the courage to go ahead
with them!!
I am still thinking about it but those of a squeemish nature, may not want
to look, if I do!!!

Talking of Ibanez, I have been playing my old RS824, quite a lot, recently.
I have searched the blog but can't find it!
Can't believe I have not covered it.

So, next time - more Ibanez content!!

Cheers. :) 

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