About guitar blueprints and blog stuff

About guitar blueprints and blog stuff

Several people ask me regularly about the blueprints I posted 18 months ago (tele, strat, SG, LP - courtesy of Paul's guitar blog) since I proposed to send the real size ones to whoever would request it (couldn't manage to make them downloadable) - I sent many, but so far it doesn't seem that any guitar has been built from them unfortunately, or I wasn't told...

Anyway, there's been some mess in the blog's comments lately so if I didn't answer you, ask again, because usually I send them right away (the only way not to forget...) Also, some people post comments about the blog then ask for the blueprints and give their e-mail address - if you do that, I can't publish the comments otherwise your e-addresses would be exposed, so it's better to add the e-address in another comment. 

- Technical Problems...
guitarz.blogspot.com:   Whoops... It seems that in updating the blog template last night I managed to lose the Echo/JS-Kit comments. I do have them saved in an XML file but so far I have been unsuccessful in loading them into Blogger's own comments...

- Strat Based Sketches
A couple of weeks ago Kenray proposed me to design guitars to be cut out of a strat body - I took the challenge and here they are. I printed strat blueprints in light grey to be sure it would be accurate and drew from them, but didn't stick to...

- More Sketches
This new batch of drawings gives me the opportunity to remind the readers of this blog one of its main objects: to catch the attention of guitars makers with my designs. Could be amateurs making one-offs in their garage, could be luthiers looking...

- Sg Blueprint
Like promised, another blueprint, for a SG this time... You can still get a bigger one by clicking on the small pic - I still have to figure out how to make the real size blueprints downloadable! edit: people who ask me to send the real size blueprint,...

- Vintage Estate Sale - Magnatone Amps And Lots Of Guitars And Basses
This ia an estate sale in Dearborn MI scheduled for this Friday. Check out the photos and there is alot of other stuff on the Chicago Craigslist under Musical Equipment. The pics show at least 3 large Magnatone ampsincluding an M7 and what looks like...

