a lipstick pickup for the Televangelist

a lipstick pickup for the Televangelist

Just received a brand new GFS telecaster bridge lipstick pickup Pro-Tube for the Televangelist, will mount it as soon as possible because this guitar with be central for next friday's new Angel Meat performance.

It's good to go back to the workbench - and if everything works like planed, I should start again on my projects next June, when I have achieve what I've busy with since last fall...

- Doppelcaster Project
  I know that I have many projects cooking and almost none really achieved but this last year I've been lucky enough to be very busy with stage projects - and this should last another year if everything works like planed! Anyway, it...

- The Televangelist Gets Lipstick
     The new lipstick on my Televangelist sounds as good as it looks, and the upgraded guitar was baptized on stage tonight... Unfortunately I also changed the varnish to a glossy lack that looks quite awful and was damaged already during...

- The Televangelist 2
So I finally have time to update this blog about the Televangelist. I made a few changes - mostly reworking the pickguard and varnishing... I'm still not completely happy with the setting - one string keeps buzzing down the neck, I would like to...

- Finishing My First Guitar
So I finally assembled my modified tele kit and I'm quite happy with the result... It looks better in real than on the picture (but you can already have a better idea by clicking on the pic on the right to enlarge it). The strings are still a little...

- The Televangelist
My first handmade guitar, an upgraded telecaster kit from DIY Guitars called The Televangelist. I intend to modify it several times - will start with the pickups and the tuners. ...

