11 year old Kid Teaches Us All How to Really Sing

11 year old Kid Teaches Us All How to Really Sing

Brendan MacFarlane is only 11 years old in this recording but he sings "House of the Rising Sun" with as much heart, soul and purity as any version I've heard.  This was about 4 or 5 years ago and his voice has changed a bit listening to this recording reminds me about the magic that makes music so powerful.  - JC


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- Jimihendrix Voodoo Chile On A Traditional Korean Instrument - This Will Blow Your Mind!
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- John Mcgalughlin Amazes Us All With His Thoughts, Words And Monsterous Technique!
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- Acoustic Guitarist Shows What Can Be Done With A Looper Pedal
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- Sean K. Preston Rocks Out On A Harmony H1215
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