You Rock Guitar launch YRG-Pro MIDI guitar Kickstarter project

You Rock Guitar launch YRG-Pro MIDI guitar Kickstarter project Now this is something that really interests me, because although I am a guitarist I do have an active interest in producing electronic music. To be able to play synth sounds via a guitar-like interface, or to "silently" record straight into my laptop via USB is mightily appealing to me. I had considered the You Rock Guitar previously, but the original model does have the disadvantage of looking quite toy-like and plasticky. You wouldn't be so wrong to compare it to a guitar-shaped games controller, for it can operate in that capacity too.

However, when I saw the first images of the YRG Pro model with all the electronics housed in a proper wooden guitar body, well that made the package look much more like what I had in mind. (Having used a Yamaha EZ-EG, I know how limiting a flimsy plastic MIDI guitar is - you wouldn't really want to take it out and gig with it).

Anyway, You Rock Guitar are trying to raise $80,000 to get this project up and running, and you can pledge money via Kickstarter in return for a reward depending on the amount you pledge - and Yes, that does include the MIDI guitars themselves.

G L Wilson

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