Wotan - Japanese neck-through guitar, possibly late 80s - Anyone know this brand?

Wotan - Japanese neck-through guitar, possibly late 80s - Anyone know this brand?

Following on from yesterday's post featuring a Sanox Sound Creator neck-through guitar, Alex has sent this picture of his guitar (above). He says:
I own this guitar from the mid 80s, probably Matsumoku. But I cannot find more on the brand Wotan on the net, has anyone heard about them?
Other than to say than the design here looks like it owes a little to the more sobre efforts of B.C. Rich, I have to confess that I know nothing of the guitar brand Wotan. Ask me about Wotan and I'd tell you that it was the name of a Supercomputer based in London's Telegraph Tower hell bent upon taking over the world in a 1966 serial of Doctor Who (The War Machines). Sorry, I'm not being much help, am I?

If anyone has any better information, then please share it with us via the comments below. Thank you!

G L Wilson

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