Vintage & Rare Guitar of the Week: Leo Losspennato RadioStar headless doubleneck guitar and bass

Vintage & Rare Guitar of the Week: Leo Losspennato RadioStar headless doubleneck guitar and bass
This doubleneck from German luthier Leo Lospennato aims to combine vintage styling (the Filtertron pickups and worn orange finish are a definite nod to Gretsch) with a more modern twist in the shape of headless necks and fine tuners behind the bridges.

The headless design would no no doubt eliminate any neck heaviness that doublenecks guitars all too often suffer from, and the body does look to be relatively compact. Personally I find the straight lines of the cut-out area at the base of the body for the fine tuners to be stylistically too harsh; I think curves with rounded over edges would have been more much more elegant and in keeping with the styling of the instrument, but that's just my opinion.

This guitar/bass doubleneck is being offered for sale via Vintage & Rare priced at €2950.

G L Wilson

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