the modest strat

the modest strat

Lately we've seen wonderful, sumptuous, historical guitars, with special designs, special finishes, special pickups, special gears... Then today, I found this one, looking like a old illegal immigrant worker, unoriginal, roughly assembled, used after a life time of work, and I thought: pretty cool guitar, why is so?

I don't know its brand, I've never seen anything like this, but of course usually anything looking like a stratocaster doesn't activate my optical nerve to reach my brain... It's probably the control plate that got my attention, this one I saw on German or Mittel-European guitars from the communist era, though I can't remember which ones, and the fat rail pickups look Jolana - that is Czechoslovakian... 

I say, enough with the pompous über-cool authentic jazz guitars, glory to the anonymous humble low class outcast, everybody's guitar!

Bertram D

© 2012, Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 10th year!

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