The Gate

The Gate

I'm not only busy with guitars, I'm into music - any instruments - and visual arts. But the two last years that I spent working on guitars did not only improve my music skills and understanding, but it also heavily influenced my art work. I prepare now a big installation based on guitar fetishism and potential music, but during the process I made this one, called The Gate, that includes a grand piano, a theremin, an amplifier and a guitar case. It's like I reached something I was looking for for ages. It's a great release, an important step in my work, and a starting point for further developments.

- Dancing On Ashes (circle) In Pinacoteca
Tomorrow I will perform again a projected text + music show I created 5 years ago in Berlin - one of my few theremin based projects. It will also be the first Angel Meat performance in the last years... This heap of pedals allows me to create a...

- In Mixing Studio
Instead of enjoying the beautiful Viennese spring in parks and cafés like normal people, I've spent the last days in a studio with Martin Siewert (a.o. from acclaimed Austrian band Radian) and members of the Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna...

- Daevid Allen Has Reunited With The Great Cosmic Mother
Today is a sad day, one of my music heroes, Mr Daevid Allen, just passed away. I've been listening to Gong all my life, and Angel's Egg was one of the first LPs I ever bought as a young teen - when it was badly out of fashion. I was always...

- More Sketches
Sorry for the scarce posting of the last weeks, I've been quite busy with music, practicing and composing and organizing thinks for my new band the Soft Power Ensemble of Vienna (that would be my music of the week) - I should be able to announce...

- No Guitars But Plenty Of Pedals
Didn't post here for a while, but for honorable reasons, being busy with a project in real life. No guitars this time but plenty of pedals, as you can see on these pics, connecting a theremin to a quadrophonic sound system for an heavily effected...

