The curse of the carved guitar: hideous Mockingbird copy

The curse of the carved guitar: hideous Mockingbird copy

O brothers in guitarhood, let's lament on this new manifestation of the evil that creeps if the dark depths of human's psyche... 

In spite of the horrid carving job, you all recognized the unforgettable Mockingbird design - the emblematic B.C. Rich guitar, from a time when they created several alternative designs and not just ugly metal-oriented pointy guitars. 

I often have the feeling that in democracies, people easily misuse their freedom for pointless things and accept being controlled for what really matters. What can one do to a guitar is one of these abuses...


© 2012, Guitarz - The Original Guitar Blog - now in its 10th year!

- A Very Pointy One-off Guitar Surely Aimed At The Heavy Metal Player This pointy pointy guitar looking somewhat like a mutated B.C.Rich Mockingbird is a one-off creation (sorry, I don't know who made it) and is currently being offered for sale on eBay UK, although the seller isn't willing...

- 1978 Bc Rich 10-string Bich One of my favorite guitars ever is the 10-string Bich by BC Rich, with double four higher strings for rich harmonic sound and single lower ones for heavy riffs... Designed by Neal Moser in 1977, it's part of the early BC...

- Samick Greg Bennett E-1 I just couldn't manage to find any information about this Samick Greg Bennett E-1 - it's quite different to the ordinary designs of the guitar branch of this giant Korean music instruments company, usually...

- A 1980s Take On The Extravagant Tokai Hummingbird
guitarz.blogspot.comUnfortunately I couldn't find any information about this Tokai, but you can't deny that it looks to the Tokai Gakki Hummingbird like the Yamaha SC looks to its SGV predecessor: a toned down metal-oriented guitar....

- Burny Mg-145s Hy Looking Suspiciously Like A Day-glo B.c. Rich Mockingbird Indeed, you would be forgiven for thinking that this might be a somewhat colourful B.C. Rich Mockingbird - it even has the cloud-shaped fingerboard inlays. However, it is a Burny MG-145S HY, another signature guitar of the late X...

